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Vila Brno Útěchov
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
BD Slezská Ostrava
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
Villa Dolní Počernice
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
Villa Slaný
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
Dolní Břežany
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
Villa Brno V
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
Villa Zlín Želechovice
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
Villa Praha I
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
Praha Kobylisy
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
  • KAREŠ - exteriers
Villa Třebíč II
  • KAREŠ - exteriers

Strong studio behind your back.

A luxurious, house with a crisp design and a view of the countryside invoking the atmosphere of Villa Tugendhat. Would you like one? Then you want to get in touch with us. Because that's exactly what do. Perfectly.


The people of our studio.

The founder and leader of the KAREŠ ARCH studio is Ing. arch. Martin Kareš Ph.D. MBA. An award-winning architect whose vision and experience are reflected in the distinctive features of our buildings.
